Practice Areas

Background image of the expertise page of Alice Ouaknine - Criminal Lawyer in Paris
  • Defense of American citizens and English-speaking foreigners

    Since the admission of Alice OUAKNINE to the California State Bar (USA), the Firm has specialized in the criminal defense of American citizens and English-speaking foreigners, suspected or prosecuted by the French authorities, or victims of crimes in France.

    The Firm offers its clients the opportunity to be accompanied by a bilingual lawyer, in all its practice areas, and at every stage of the French criminal justice process:

    • During the preliminary investigation, we assist individuals held and questioned in police custody. We also assist victims in pressing charges by drafting and filing criminal complaints with the Public Prosecutor. Preliminary investigations can lead directly to trial, or to a pre-trial phase, called “Instruction”.

    • During the pre-trial phase, or “Instruction”, the Firm aids its clients preparing for, or avoiding, trial. The “Instruction” is a discovery phase carried out by an investigating judge, who conducts investigations necessary to establish the truth. We act as an intermediary between the judge and the client, by requesting investigation acts, preparing for questioning and taking all the necessary steps to avoid or limit pre-trial detention.

    • During the trial phase, we represent our clients at all hearings before French courts, including the “Tribunal de Police”, “Tribunal Correctionnel” and “Cour d’assises”. The Firm can also assist clients in appealing their verdicts and is qualified to represent them before the Court of appeal. Additionally, the Firm can aid its clients in guilty pleas proceedings.

    • After the verdict, we intervene to reduce criminal sentences, to delete criminal records and to collect damages.

    The Firm provides its English-speaking clients with a perfect understanding of the French criminal procedure and criminal law.

    We offer our clients the opportunity to be accompanied by a member of both the Paris and the California State Bar, who will assist them in apprehending the legal and cultural differences that exist between the civil law heritage of French law and the common law heritage of American law.


    • abuse of corporate assets
    • embezzlement
    • fraud
    • drug crimes
    • violent crimes
    • sex crimes
    • government investigations
  • Criminal law

    The Firm defends its individual and corporate clients who are involved in criminal proceedings.

    In this context, we offer expert legal advice and defense services to the accused persons and victims, at every stage of the criminal justice process.

    During the preliminary investigation, the Firm can aid you in pressing charges by drafting and filing a complaint. The Firm also assists clients held and questioned in police custody.

    We additionally aid our clients during pre-trial investigations, a discovery phase led by an investigating judge.

    We also represent our clients before the trial courts, in guilty and non-guilty pleas, and after the verdict is reached to appeal the decision or reduce their criminal sentences. 

    The Firm regularly deals with misdemeanors and felony cases, in matters of crimes against persons and against property. 


    • theft and larceny
    • extortion
    • burglary
    • damage to property
    • drug crimes
    • assault
    • sex crimes
    • murder
    • manslaughter
    • domestic violence
    • conspiracy and solicitation
    • weapons crimes
  • White-collar crime

    The Firm has extensive expertise in business criminal law and white-collar crime. In this context, the Firm defends French and foreign companies, as well as their managers and employees, in all criminal cases involving business activities.

    We assist our clients, both accused and victims, at all stages of the proceedings : during the preliminary investigation (pressing charges by drafting and filing a complaint, assisting in police custody), during the pre-trial phase and technical or financial expertise, as well as before the trial courts. We also intervene in the enforcement of court decisions.

    Additionally, the Firm acts in stock market criminal law, at all stages of the proceedings initiated by the “Autorité des Marchés Financiers” (AMF) and under the direction of the “Parquet National Financier” (PNF).

    We work in close partnership with legal departments of our clients as well as their business lawyers.


    • abuse of corporate assets
    • bribery
    • embezzlement
    • fraud
    • insider trading
    • forgery
    • money laundering
    • government investigations
  • Cyber-crime

    The Firm has developed both legal and technical skills in order to advise its clients in all aspects of cyber-crime.

    We provide specific support in this field, taking into account the highly technical aspects of the matter.

    The Firm intervenes at all stages of the proceedings: during the preliminary investigations carried out by the specialized police services, during the technical expertise and the computer findings, as well as during the pre-trial phase and before the trial courts.


    • identity theft
    • online embezzlement
    • cyber-stalking
    • e-reputation
    • invasion of privacy
    • fraudulent access to it systems
    • data breaches

  • Press and media law

    The Firm specialises in press and internet law. We possess extensive knowledge of the French law regulating Freedom of Speech

    In this context, we offers our clients a personalized handling of their cases, taking into account their profile, their possible notoriety, and their needs.

    The Firm helps its clients resolve issues from defamation statements made in websites, including internet chatrooms, emails, newspaper and magazine articles, television and radio broadcasts, as well as in advertising material.

    We provide specific support in this field at all stages of the criminal proceedings : during the preliminary investigations carried out by the specialized police services, during the technical expertise and the computer findings, as well as during the pre-trial phase and before the trial courts.


    • defamation
    • libel
    • slender
    • threats
    • glorification of crimes against humanity and terrorism
    • exhortation to racial hatred
    • infringement of the presumption of innocence
  • Criminal employment law

    The Firm assists companies, their managers and employees in criminal proceedings resulting from the violation of the French Labor Code.

    We intervene at all stages of the proceedings initiated by the Labor Inspectorate or the Public Prosecutor's Office.

    The Firm also assists its clients in the day-to-day management of criminal risks, for example by assisting them in drafting delegations of authority and by organizing training sessions within their companies.

    We work in close partnership with lawyers specialized in labor law.


    • work-related accident
    • moral and sexual harassment
    • discrimination at work
    • undeclared work and illicit manpower
  • Competition criminal law and consumer affairs

    The Firm assists its clients in proceedings conducted by the French General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF).

    We act in this context at all stages of the criminal proceedings: during the investigation, during the judicial inquiry, and before the trial courts.


    • deception
    • counterfeiting
    • deceptive trade practices
    • forgery
  • Criminal law and public health

    The Firm assists companies and individuals in criminal proceedings resulting from the violation of provisions of the Public Health Code and the Consumer Code.

    In this respect, we act both before the criminal courts and before disciplinary bodies, such as the Conseil de l'Ordre des Médecins and the Conseil de l'Ordre des Pharmaciens.


    • deception
    • illegal practice of medicine
    • illegal practice of pharmacy
  • International criminal law

    The Firm focuses on criminal litigation and the defense of fundamental freedoms in an international context.

    We act before French and European courts in international cases or cases with foreign elements.

    The Firm works in close partnership with foreign and international lawyers.


    • international arrest warrant
    • European arrest warrant
    • extradition request
    • proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights